The Titanium Apple Card.
Surely it is not for everyone, but it is true the design is very unique and minimalist.
It’s a titanium card and it does not have any numbers on it, so they say it’s one of the most secure credit cards yet.
Furthermore, Apple Card has various cool features like its lack of fees, no annual fee, great rewards rate on Apple Pay purchases, and low end of APR Range. One of the best focuses of this card is that you can start using it instantly using Apple Pay.
The real question today, is how to take a good care of Titanium Apple Credit Card?
If you think you can just throw your Apple Card in a bag, pocket or wallet and preserve the card’s integrity, you’re mistaken. Apple states the card can easily be damaged from contact with abrasive materials and even certain fabrics like leather and denim, which may cause permanent discoloration.
So better think twice before leaving the house with your Apple Card unprotected.

As for how to safely store the card, Apple is advising customers store it in some container made of soft material and to make sure it doesn’t come into contact with any loose metal objects (and of course magnets, as that could demagnetize the strip).
The company also advises cleaning the card with only a slightly damp microfiber cloth dipped in water or isopropyl alcohol. “Don’t use window or household cleaners, compressed air, aerosol sprays, solvents, ammonia, or abrasives to clean your titanium Apple Card,” warns the support page.
With that being said, here comes the solution. Obvious smartphone accessory opportunity that won’t go untapped.
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